Digitalisation in healthcare also throws some central ethical issues into confusion. Medical ethics, with their insistence on patient autonomy, come up against information ethics, which are to do with moral aspects of using new information and communication technologies. How can e-health function in this context?
Digitalisation means: unknown levels of complexity; uncertainty about what we are and what other people are; new concepts of humanity; new ways of attributing meaning. Our previous concepts are in ruins and we have no idea about what kind of random heap of stones (or chips) we are now dealing with or how to live …
In my encounters with confirmation candidates, I repeatedly notice how much the world in which we live – and in particular the world in which young people live – has changed as a result of digitalisation. Partly – and this is undisputed – for the good: distances are overcome, information is available at the press …
BlessU2 was first introduced in 2017 at the World Exhibition in Wittenberg to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, as the world’s first blessing robot. In March 2019, the Artistic Director of Ars Electronica, Gerfried Stocker, caused a furore by announcing that people would rather rely for spiritual support on a robot than on …
Increasing interconnection enormously increases the potential areas for attack. At the same time, dependency is increasing because systems are becoming ever more complex. Yet freedom from errors remains as remote a prospect as ever. This means that information security is a key element of digitalisation.
The digital world requires quality awareness and ethics all the more now that “fake news” and “alternative facts” have come sharply into focus in recent years. This is fortunate for people who put conscientiously and thoroughly researched material on the Internet, because they will enjoy greater awareness and stronger confirmation of the value of their …
Despite the continuing truth of Moore’s Law that computing speeds double every two years, recent years have seen more evolution than revolution in computer science. Current expectations among scientists are that the relevance of Moore’s Law and this evolutionary phase are coming to an end. The methods of artificial intelligence and cyber-security will be implemented …
Innovations in information and communication technology (ICT) are, firstly, being reflected in new products and are therefore opening up entirely new markets. Secondly, ICT is enabling the product development process to be as efficient as possible in the light of the Industry 4.0 concept. In both areas, Graz and Styria as a whole have proved …
The JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH carries out top-level international research and plays a key role in technology and knowledge transfer, both nationally and internationally. Handling research, technology and innovation responsibly is a high priority. That is why JOANNEUM RESEARCH has been involved in the “Geist & Gegenwart” Whitsun Dialogues for many years. The theme of …
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already knocking on the door. We will question time and space and cities, not the companies, will be competing against other cities for the top talents. One third of the skills we have today, won’t be as important in 5 years from now. And empathy will be the most important …
In 2019, the former bishop’s residence of Seggau Castle is hosting “Geist & Gegenwart” for the eighth time, this year on the theme of “Das digitale Europa. Digital Europe”. This interdisciplinary forum in a European format takes place close to Austria’s borders with Italy, Slovenia and Hungary, and addresses questions relating to the boundaries between …
Naturally, the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) must also change, from a traditional broadcaster to a platform company. However, to do so it needs different framework conditions, for example in relation to streaming, the cloud, IP and the use of blockchain technologies. The ORF must be allowed to use all of these. We are not only …
It is no secret that the games industry has been making more money than Hollywood for a long time. It must be our objective to strengthen this industry, and education and research in this field, here in Austria as well, and to take advantage of the potential for the technological cornerstones of this industry to …
The digital transformation offers all kinds of new possibilities, opportunities and challenges for the whole of society – primarily of a social nature. We must therefore have a public debate to learn how to handle them responsibly, in order to bring about an improvement for as many people as possible in their everyday life, work …
Digitalisation in healthcare faces numerous challenges. Firstly, the rapid changes in products and services associated with e-health and telemedicine are unstoppable and will increasingly be demanded by patients. Secondly, because of the strict data protection guidelines, the healthcare industry in Germany is one of the least digitalised sectors in the country. What are the possible …
We should be regulating new technologies at a time when they are not yet firmly embedded in our society and when we as a society can still help to influence them. We need legal instruments that are capable of coping with the multiple opportunities presented by new technologies and will at the same time enable …
Business Angel and founder of New Venture Scouting, a consulting firm that builds bridges between startups and established businesses. Expert in public administration, food production and trade and green tech. Previously in senior management positions at Agrana, REWE and the Austrian Federal Administration.
The digitalisation of Europe is advancing at enormous speed – and this is offering pharmaceutical companies the chance to communicate directly and frequently with individual patients for the first time. The development of intelligent medical products is helping to increase the quality of life and the life expectancy of patients, significantly and for the long …
Making artificial intelligence – in whatever form – usable by society is a complex balancing act that involves utilising forward-looking development opportunities while also putting the necessary boundaries in place. We need to approach these issues with great sensitivity and in a spirit of open-mindedness.
Why do some companies find it so difficult to get to grips with the changes of the digital age, while others succeed? Why is Apple now worth more than GE, Wal-Mart, GM and McDonald’s combined? And the big question: why is there not a single company in Europe that can take on the GAFAs – …
Artificial intelligence is driving the greatest change since the Industrial Revolution. Data is already being treated as “the new oil”. It is therefore all the more important for us to place this development in an ethical context, so that this aspect can be taken into account from the start. Policy-makers are aware of their great …
The growing use of technology and digitalisation in the healthcare industry has implications not only for the industry itself but also for doctors’ training. Doctors are taught too little, if anything at all, about artificial intelligence and big data. Yet this is urgently needed, because patients are increasingly challenging doctors on these issues. How fast …
The security and availability of IT systems are key factors which must be taken into account right from the start of the planning process. However, unless you are an expert, assessing these criteria is difficult and often not at all transparent. Quality seals and certifications can help but themselves cause a series of new problems.
“Problems of identity are more prevalent than ever before. All the differences between people that are woven together to create modern society are in turmoil. All the existing dichotomies have started to shift, everything is in a state of flux, but not in the way that Heraclitus meant. I harbour a suspicion that there must …
We live in a time when part of being successful is being able to convey your message skilfully, and being smart about balancing the traditional and the trendy – i.e. digital and analogue. Making digital services even better in future calls for constant innovation and endless curiosity about technological developments, without losing sight of the …
Fake news and hate speech are not new phenomena, but the Internet enables both to spread far more quickly and more widely than before. It is therefore important not only for Internet companies to fulfil their responsibilities but also for the foundations of digital media skills to be laid while children are still at nursery …
the children of the modern age, who have been able to develop as individuals and eventually discover themselves, will now have to undergo a radical rebuilding process if they are to survive in the digital modern age in future. they will have to shape their identities not as a unique individual but as a being …
“During the 20th century, the filter of eternity which stabilised our world view for so long gradually fell away. And this is undoubtedly a genuinely modern phenomenon: the changes have accelerated so much that they become noticeable within our own lifetimes.” (Peter Sloterdijk “Die Sitten verwildern, die Gerechtigkeit ist obdachlos [Morals are running wild, justice …
Individual mobility will continue to have an important place in future, even in a multimodal context. The digitalisation of the infrastructure is supporting the introduction of automated vehicles and enabling safer and more efficient mobility. Customers can use the data that is being produced to make informed mobility decisions.
In an age when the authority of traditional journalism is vanishing, the shouting of the “lying press” is getting louder and news can be converted into a swirl of information confetti, everyone has become both a broadcaster and the gatekeeper of their own rights. And now the irate citizen, who previously raged in lonely isolation, …
We are in the middle of a digital revolution. To it we owe positive developments in almost all areas of life. Our everyday lives are constantly being transformed. Yet fear of technological progress is the worst advisor for us Europeans. Both in Austria and at European level, policy-makers are working on a digital Europe in …
In what is now the eighth “Geist & Gegenwart” Whitsun Dialogue, we turn our attention to the prospects for Europe in a digital age. In Styria, research and development accounts for more than five percent of regional gross domestic product, making it one of the leading research regions in Europe. Our universities, research institutes and …
Mobility is changing, with automated driving for increased safety and convenience, possibilities for new in-vehicle activities and hybrid and electric vehicles to reduce emissions. These developments pose major challenges for development and marketing; at the end of the day, customers must buy the cars.
Digital industrialisation is characterised by scaling, networking, directness and immediacy. Because of its historic responsibilities, Europe is able to contribute not only the digital-liberal economic order of the platform economy but also aspects of democracy and ethics, as well as their ecosocial implementation in society.
Asimo, my companion! When I am old, you will look after me. You will pass me my food, hand me drinks, organise my medication. Perhaps you will read to me, make me laugh. In the end you will wash me and apply cream and perfume. Unembarrassed, I shall let all this happen. Will I also …
Industry 4.0 presents logistics, like many other sectors, with some entirely new challenges, but it also opens up immense opportunities. To remain competitive in this environment, it is essential to be fast and innovative. Recent years have shown that we are moving in the right direction with our “last mile” initiatives, but we must not …
The (social) web enables any user to become a potential publisher; the traditional gatekeepers have lost much of their reach and relevance. People often talk nowadays about the fragmentation of society. Whether this trend marks the end of democracy or just the start of a different kind of democracy is too little debated, or in …
The implications of the digital transformation are having a disruptive effect on power relationships in global and regional competition. System boundaries in the market environment that have built up historically are being broken down. The basis for a successful digital transformation within a company is, firstly, to have an efficient skills network, and, secondly, to …
All of Europe has undergone radical change in the last 30 years as a result of three major upheavals: firstly, liberation and the end of division as a result of the fall of the Iron Curtain; secondly, digitalisation and thirdly, globalisation. We are currently all battling with the complex consequences of this new realm of …
Borders in Europe have become relative. In fact not only in Europe but worldwide. As a result of digital media and digitalisation, Europe is in the world and the world is in Europe. This applies to quasi-real presence in the political, social, cultural, economic and medical arenas and elsewhere. The digital world has become a …
Buzzwords such as mass surveillance, big data and fake news hint at the key issues of freedom and security, self-determination and external control – of the individual and of political systems – that arise in connection with the impacts of the digital revolution on society and democracy, but without adequately capturing them.
Digitalisation means neither euphoria nor the apocalypse. To a great extent, it is unimaginable. It cannot be compared with Gutenberg or television; nor with the Reformation or the commencement of the modern era; nor yet with the wave of democratisation after the First World War; or with the introduction of assembly line production. It is …
Is there a future for analogue media? That is the wrong question. How necessary are they? When more and more people get their information exclusively from digital giants such as Facebook, when US President Trump publishes his “truth” as a Tweet, it is reassuring to know that printed material can be a relatively reliable source …
We have shown with our research that a whole new kind of medicine could emerge based on health data. We can see, virtually in real time, which illnesses correlate with others, which therapies work and which preventive measures would be the most efficient for avoiding secondary conditions and the associated suffering and costs. We can …
Digitalisation now affects all areas of life. Data collection and the rapid availability of data are the backbone of the global economy and also of our private lives. Modern information technologies, and digital networking that is advancing in giant strides, offer tremendous convenience and many new opportunities. Artificial intelligence in the form of learning systems …
Digitalisation is also changing trust as one of the foundations of our society. With all the “deep fakes” and so on, can we still agree at all on what actually “is”? The vision is for artificial intelligence and digitalisation to make human intelligence more valuable than ever. Europe can (help) make that happen!